题目:输入两个字符串,从第一字符串中删除第二个字符串中所有的字符。例如,输入”They are students.”和”aeiou”,
则删除之后的第一个字符串变成”Thy r stdnts.”。
///// Delete all characters in pStrDelete from pStrSource///void DeleteChars(char* pStrSource, const char* pStrDelete){ if(NULL == pStrSource || NULL == pStrDelete) return; // Initialize an array, the index in this array is ASCII value. // All entries in the array, whose index is ASCII value of a // character in the pStrDelete, will be set as 1. // Otherwise, they will be set as 0. const unsigned int nTableSize = 256; int hashTable[nTableSize]; memset(hashTable, 0, sizeof(hashTable)); const char* pTemp = pStrDelete; while ('\0' != *pTemp) { hashTable[*pTemp] = 1; ++ pTemp; } char* pSlow = pStrSource; char* pFast = pStrSource; while ('\0' != *pFast) { // if the character is in pStrDelete, move both pStart and // pEnd forward, and copy pEnd to pStart. // Otherwise, move only pEnd forward, and the character // pointed by pEnd is deleted if(1 != hashTable[*pFast]) { *pSlow = *pFast; ++ pSlow; } ++pFast; } *pSlow = '\0';}